Hi Renee,
I am writing this letter to thank you for the magical treatment you performed on me recently.
I just turned 50 years old and have lactose intolerance s ymptoms for many years,
I have issues with spicy food, greasy food and mostly notably dairy product such as cheese and ice cream!
My favor ites!
I have talked to all my doctors throughout the years and the advises have been try to avoid them.
Whenever I have Pizza at business lunch occasions,
it is guaranteed that I will need to visit the man’s room with diarrhea
within half hour because of the cheese. This is painful and inconvenient.
Often times, my co-workers have to wait for me at parking lot to come out of restaurant.
I started to avoid going out with co-wor kers.
My wife once told me if she use the time she waited for me going to man’s rooms worldwide, she can write a book.
After only 2 or 3 treatments involving acupuncture and NAET procedures and psychological procedures that go back to my childhood memory, I came home feeling good and thought to myself could it be “this easy” ?
keep in mind I have been suffering these for years,
One day my wife was “feeling pizza” so we ordered pizza and I of course enjoyed it.
I did not believe it with one try.
At this time, I know the cheese issue is no longer with me!
To be honest, I still can’t believe this is happening. I am an engineer so it takes a lot to convince me.
I am very happy man now thanks to Renee.
Thank you Renee!
October 31st, 2014
Andrew Tan